1/35 Leopard A7+ URBAN CAMOUFLAGE / Mask Set ‘How To’ Guide

Preparation / Priming

Priming your model is always a good idea but it is also important in this case due to the etch parts around the model. You may consider a dedicated metal etch primer first, however I find Mr Surfacer 1000 usually does a reasonable job at preparing the surface for painting.

NOTE: I knew from the outset that the paint scheme I was planning on painting would take a lot of careful planning in order to execute it properly. The urban camouflage requires a lot of straight and tight geometric patterns. The flatter the model was at the time of masking and painting, the more successful the foundation paintwork would be.  I’d planned to build the bare minimum of the model to cut down on any lumps and bumps, so things like the cables and the tools were left off at this point.

Painting the WHITE foundations

White was the first layer the was applied. White is generally quite a weak paint in terms of coverage so to achieve a bright white usually requires multiple layers. I didn’t however want my white to be too bright, so by applying this layer over the Mr Surfacer Grey, I was able to tone the brightness down by simply limiting the coverage of the paint. The semi-translucent properties of the thinned white paint meant that I was able to apply the paint over the grey in an imperfect way to create a mottled tone to the white and add some visual depth to the layer. 


The mask sections for the white are now set in place. It is inevitable that you will need to compliment the mask set with a masking tape to ensure the mask sits correctly over the complex shapes.

Check reference for your own model

Khaki Drab

With the masking of the white shapes complete, it was now time to spray the Khaki Drab.

The coverage doesn’t need to be perfect; some variation and mottling will add to the depth of the finish and create a far more interesting model.


Once the Khaki Drab has been sprayed and allowed to dry overnight it’s time to start masking the areas I want the Khaki Drab to remain. Following the reference scheme I printed, the shapes are dropped over the model in the appropriate areas.  I’m sure you can start to see why trying to keep the model as flat and simple as I possibly could was important in order to get this scheme to work. 

Again, you will need to mask some of the areas using a masking tape because the vinyl mask will not adhere around complex curves, so check you references to this stage. 

For irregular shapes or problem areas a small blob of bluetac is used to hold the mask in place.

Desert Yellow

The Desert Yellow is applied focussing on the exposed areas of the model. That mix is lightened with a white to create some highlights in that colour.


With the paint masks removed the scheme presents itself.

It is inevitable that some touch ups will be required however the set should give you a reasonable foundation to create your urban camouflage scheme from.

Leopard A7+ 1/35 Urban Camouflage MASK Set

This is a 2 sheet paint mask set to help you create the unique urban paint scheme seen on the model Leopard 2’s.

Will suit the MENG 1/35 model kit - 1/72 scale version available on request

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