1/35 M2A2 Bradley - Ukrainian Digital Camouflage / Mask Set ‘How To’ Guide

Preparation / Priming

Priming your model is always a good idea but it is also important in this case due to the etch parts around the model. You may consider a dedicated metal etch primer first, however I find Mr Surfacer 1000 usually does a reasonable job at preparing the surface for painting.

NOTE: I knew from the outset that the paint scheme I was planning on painting would take a lot of careful planning in order to execute it properly. The digital camouflage requires a lot of straight and tight geometric patterns. The flatter the model was at the time of masking and painting, the more successful the foundation paintwork would be.  I’d planned to build the bare minimum of the model to cut down on any lumps and bumps, so things like the cables and the tools were left off at this point.

Painting the CARC Tan foundations

The model is then painted in an overall CARC Tan to create the foundation layer to the scheme. I have painted the entire model to ensure the subsequent layers of paint will present in a uniform and consistent way.

Applying CARC Tan masks

The mask sections for the CARC Tan elements are now set in place. It is inevitable that you will need to compliment the mask set with a masking tape or a liquid mask to ensure the mask sits correctly over the complex shapes.

Check reference for your own model and check my You Tube Channel for the How To Video.


With the CARC sections in place the model is then painted in a mix of XF14 and X28 to create a light green colour for the digital camouflage. Check references for the colour because there are many variations seen on these schemes. There is no standard as it is all field applied.

Applying the Light Green Masks

Once that layer of green has had ample time to dry (will depend on the paint however I’d recommend 24 hours) the masks for those sections can be applied. Being a vinyl mask they are somewhat re-positionable, however the vinyl can stretch and distort, so work slowly and calmly and you should be able to get your positioning as you would like it.

Again, check reference for positions.

DARK Green - Overall

The Dark Green colour can now be applied. I am using Modern Russian Green because I am planning on weathering that will increase the depth of the base colour. The application is done in multiple light coats. When spraying its important to keep the angle you spray at at as close to 90deg as possible and NEVER floor the surface with paint. Light, multiple layers will always be the best policy when working with masks.

Removing Masks

After the paint has dried the masks can be removed using the tip of an old air brush needle or a pair of fine tweezers. Care must be taken not to damage or scratch the paintwork.

Some touchups are always inevitable however if you follow the instructions, check your references and use the vinyl paint mask set you will be able t o create a M2A2 Bradley in the Digital camouflage scheme for yourself.

Ukrainian BRADLEY - 1/35 Digital Camouflage MASK SET

Paint mask set for the Magic Factory M2A2 Bradley in a digital camouflage scheme us seen on Ukrainian vehicles - design mirrors that in the kit supplied instructions.

To suit the 1/35 Magic Factory M2A2 Bradley

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